Child custody can be a tough issue to deal with, especially when two parents have opposing viewpoints on what is best for a child. Fortunately, Arkansas has a comprehensive set of laws that could help parents and the court determine how child custody should be handled...
Suffering a serious injury on the property of another person can lead to a premises liability lawsuit. When filing a premises liability lawsuit, or any type of civil suit, you should always keep in mind that you only have a limited amount of time to file your lawsuit....
Non-compete covenants are often used by businesses that want to keep confidential business information out of the hands of their competitors. Unfortunately, some employers may make their non-compete agreements overly broad and unenforceable, which could lead to the...
Approximately 600,000 children spend time in the United States foster care facilities every year. These children could spend years in group homes and other facilities before they are adopted. Unfortunately, some children will never be adopted at all. Adopting a child...
No one imagines that their marriage could end in a bitter divorce. Unfortunately, many couples may decide it is appropriate to file for a divorce. However, some spouses have the false belief that they can evade a divorce by avoiding signing divorce documents or...
Planning a wedding can be an exciting and tedious process at the same time. Many couples will go through painstaking lengths to ensure that every detail about their wedding is perfect. That is why it can be devastating if you must call off an engagement is called off...